If you’re suffering with a sore lower back – chances are you’re looking at options for lower back pain treatment or lower back pain relief at the very least!

The treatments available at Austin Therapies – The London Road Natural Health Clinic in Belmont – Brisbane involve a distillation and fusion of eastern and western treatment methodologies.

This ensures we can provide you with a combination of the best modern science has to offer, while simultaneously drawing on the ancient traditions upon which it is based.

We believe that too often the benefits of combining modern medicine with natural healthcare is often overlooked.  Resulting in a confusing and often unnecessary learning curve for patients.

Subsequently we have found that working in partnership with Western medical practitioners and practices provides us with the best possible treatment regimen – one that takes into account the understanding that the only individual who has all of the answers is you.

It’s our responsibility as healthcare professionals to know what questions to ask, and when, in order to ascertain the root cause of your condition and how to most effectively treat it. When to refer and when to request further testing.

Along the way we will support your active participation in your treatment through communicating in ordinary everyday language about what we are doing and why.

The Traditional Chinese Medicine view point … on lower back pain treatment …

Lower back pain relief is highly researched using acupuncture, please see research below in the references section.

How does acupuncture work for lower back pain relief?

Acupuncture stimulates the body to release its own natural pain killers. It also stimulates the release of molecules associated with tissue healing and disease resolution.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine we categorize low back pain according to the cause and character of the symptoms.

  1. Trauma
  2. Invasion of cold and damp
  3. Kidney yin or yang deficiency

What does this mean?

As an example – Kidney yin deficiency would involve dull aching pain in the lower back and Kidney yang deficiency would present as a cold, weak feeling in the lower back.

This is only as far as your symptoms in the back are concerned. Kidney yin deficiency would also present with “heat” signs in other parts of the body, conversely Kidney yang deficiency would present with “cold” signs in other parts of the body.

While taking a full case history, we gather information that gives us a picture of what’s going on in your whole body and therefore a “picture” of what is at the base of your chronic pain.

We then combine Western medical diagnostic information with our Traditional Chinese Medicine investigations and diagnosis. In this way – we’re able to treat the root cause of your lower back condition, in a holistic way as well as providing lower back pain relief and healing.

Lower back pain treatment at Austin Therapies also involves a full examination looking at range of motion and presenting pain.

Remedial Massage Therapy is an integral part of this examination and treatment too.

I’d love to have the opportunity to give you more information and discuss treatment for your specific condition or answer any burning questions that you may have.

Please call Sally on 0421 411 508 or visit our contact page or Face Book page at Austin Therapies – The London Road Natural Health Clinic – Belmont, Brisbane.


Close to the Bone by David Legge (1997)

The Acupuncture Evidence Project – by John McDonald & Stephen Janz (2017)

  1. Lam M, Galvin R, Curry P. Effectiveness of acupuncture for nonspecific chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2013 Nov 15;38(24):2124-38.
  2. Lee JH, Choi TY, Lee MS, Lee H, Shin BC, Lee H. Acupuncture for acute low back pain: a systematic review. Clin J Pain. 2013 Feb;29(2):172-85.
  3. Wellington J. Noninvasive and alternative management of chronic low back pain (efficacy and outcomes). Neuromodulation. 2014 Oct;17 Suppl 2:24-30.
  4. Liu L, Skinner M, McDonough S, Mabire L, Baxter GD. Acupuncture for low back pain: an overview of systematic reviews. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2015;2015:328196.
  5. Andronis L, Kinghorn P, Qiao S, Whitehurst DG, Durrell S, McLeod H. Cost-Effectiveness of Non-Invasive and Non-Pharmacological Interventions for Low Back Pain: a Systematic Literature Review. Appl Health Econ Health Policy. 2016 Aug 22.
  6. Taylor P, Pezzullo L, Grant SJ, Bensoussan A. Cost-effectiveness of Acupuncture for Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain. Pain Pract. 2014 Sep;14(7):599-606.