Acupuncture to Induce Labour

Acupuncture to Induce Labour Needing some assistance to get your little one to arrive? At Austin Therapies we provide acupuncture to induce labour at our Pregnancy Acupuncture Brisbane clinic. I’ve had a number of enquiries this week from women wanting acupuncture...

Does Acupuncture Work?

Will Acupuncture help treat my Condition? This is always a good question and sometimes a complicated one. We can quote the World Health Organization’s recommended list for “Conditions that Acupuncture Treats” – successfully with much research to back it up. But how...

Pregnancy Acupuncture Brisbane

Is Acupuncture a Safe Treatment to use During Early Pregnancy? As long as it is performed by a fully qualified Acupuncturist with Obstetric knowledge and experience, acupuncture is a very safe treatment protocol to use throughout your whole pregnancy. Our Austin...